Ornithidium donaldeedodii is a species of orchid "discovered" in April 2010 when DNA analysis showed that a wrongly labeled orchid at the University of California Botanical Garden in Berkeley, California, was actually a distinct new species.
Around 1990 it was grown at the University of California Botanical Garden and introduced into horticulture soon after that.
California | Harvard University | Columbia University | Yale University | University of Paris | New York University | Stanford University | Princeton University | University of Cambridge | University of Pennsylvania | University of Michigan | University of Chicago | University of California, Berkeley | University of Toronto | Cornell University | University of Oxford | University of London | University of Oslo | Cambridge University | University of Southern California | McGill University | Johns Hopkins University | Northwestern University | University of California | Brown University | Berkeley, California | University of Queensland | University of Minnesota | University of Washington | University of Notre Dame |
The species is grown at the Museum of Natural History, Lima, and the University of California Botanical Garden, Berkeley.
Gregg worked with University of California Botanical Garden director Thomas Harper Goodspeed to move the botanical garden from its central campus location to the hills above the campus.