Harvard University | Columbia University | Yale University | University of Paris | New York University | Stanford University | Princeton University | University of Cambridge | University of Pennsylvania | University of Michigan | University of Chicago | University of California, Berkeley | University of Toronto | Cornell University | University of Oxford | University of London | University of Oslo | Frankfurt | Cambridge University | University of Southern California | McGill University | Johns Hopkins University | Northwestern University | University of California | Brown University | University of Queensland | University of Minnesota | University of Washington | University of Notre Dame | University College London |
Schulmeyer graduated from the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences with a B.Sc. in electronic engineering and from the University of Frankfurt am Main with a B.Sc.
He was professor at the University of Cologne 1980-1983 and holds the Chair of Mediaeval History at the University of Frankfurt am Main since 1983.
PEGNet was founded in 2005 as a joint initiative of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), its implementing agencies GIZ and KfW Entwicklungsbank as well as the universities of Göttingen and Frankfurt.