
unusual facts about Urban V


He went out to meet Urban V on his return from Avignon to Rome in 1367, and craved his sanction for the new order and a distinctive habit.

Mikołaj Sówka z Gulczewa

To secure succession Mikołaj went to Avignon and was appointed a bishop by pope Urban V and consecrated on 13 December 1365 by Cardinal Elijah, Bishop of Ostia.

Niccolò II d'Este, Marquis of Ferrara

After inheriting his lands from Aldobrandino III, he allied with Padua, Verona and Mantua against Bernabò Visconti and, after a meeting at Viterbo, he managed to obtain also the support of Pope Urban V (1367).

see also

In Coena Domini

Under Urban V (1363) the list contained seven cases; under Gregory XI (1372) nine; under Martin V (1420) ten; under Julius II (1511) twelve: under Paul III (1536) seventeen; under Gregory XIII in 1577 twenty, and under the same pontiff in 1583 twenty-one; under Paul V (1606 and 1619) twenty; and the same number in the final shape given to it by Urban VIII.