
unusual facts about Useless


On 19 September 1784, it completed the first flight of over 100 km, between Paris and Beuvry, despite the man-powered propulsive devices proving useless.

Arthur Holmwood

Having himself become a vampire- which Newman justifies on the grounds that Holmwood was the most useless member of the group of hunters, contributing nothing to the effort beyond his connection to Lucy, and was therefore the most likely candidate to sell out-, he is now a top aide to the new Prime Minister, Lord Ruthven.

Battle of the Dnieper

The first would be to give themselves time to regroup their forces, find a weak point or two to exploit (not necessarily in the lower part of the Dnieper), stage a breakthrough and encircle the German defenders, rendering the defence line next to useless (very much like the German Panzers bypassed the Maginot line in 1940).

Bluestripe snapper

In the 1950s, investigators from the Hawaii's Division of Fish and Game conducted marine fauna surveys and found the Hawaiian ichthyofauna was dominated by herbivorous fishes, which they concluded were "a useless end in the food chain".

Boundary Estate

Jay persuaded Arthur Morrison to visit the area, and the result was the influential A Child of the Jago, a barely fictionalised account of the life of a child in the slum, re-christened by Morrison as "The Jago": 'What was too vile for Kate Street, Seven Dials, and Ratcliffe Highway in its worst day, what was too useless, incapable and corrupt - all that teemed on the Old Jago'.

Brad Kent

Later, the more recognized line-up was formed with former Victorian Pork bassist Gerry Hannah AKA Gerry Useless and guitarist Mike Graham AKA Mike Normal.

England in 1819

Meanwhile, the army is corrupt and dangerous to liberty, the laws are harsh and useless, religion has lost its morality, and Parliament (the "Senate") is a relic.


The book, illustrated by Rob Steen, depicts a list of seemingly useless or inadequate animals, and their behaviour.

Full-body CT scan

In the episode "Role Model" of the TV show House the lead character Dr. Gregory House refers to full-body scans as "useless" because, in his words, "you could probably scan every one of us and find fifty doo-dads that look like cancer".


FunTrivia began at the University of Waterloo as the "Archive for Useless Facts and Trivia" in 1995, a simple website that allowed visitors to submit fun facts and information into a database.

Halloween Jack

After a little torture, Boone transformed from the Loki persona, which he now saw as useless, into the devilish Halloween Jack and went about creating a plan to get back at the Synge siblings and take over Las Vegas in the meantime.

Hand-Held Maneuvering Unit

However, fellow crewman James McDivitt recalled the gun as being "hopeless" and "utterly useless" as it required precise aim through the user's center of mass in order to translate in a straight line without inducing unwanted rotation.

Josef Bürckel

On 8 September 1944, in a letter to Martin Bormann (with whom Bürckel didn't get along), Bürckel opined that the lack of combat-ready troops to occupy the defensive line of the Moselle from the boundary of Gau Westmark via the arsenal of Metz-Diedenhofen, south of Saint-Avold (part of the Maginot Line), to Sarralbe made construction of such defensive positions useless.

Kill the Drive

though their close connection to internationally known punk rock band Useless ID landed them many opening slots for Useless ID, as well as other big name Israeli bands such as Betzefer and Man Alive.

Lloyd Jacquet

Novelist Mickey Spillane, who began his career in comics and worked at Funnies, Inc., recalled in 2006 that, "Our boss, Lloyd Jacquet, a dead ringer for Douglas MacArthur (corncob pipe and all), was a wonderful man, but could never understand living among wildcat writers and artists. All of us were pretty much freelance people, so firing us would have been a useless gesture".

M10 tank destroyer

The vehicles' main guns were rendered useless prior to delivery and consequently replaced in 1949 with ex-Imperial Japanese Army 105mm infantry howitzers.

Mexican Revolution

On March 9, 1916, Villa crossed the U.S.–Mexico border and raided Columbus, New Mexico, in order to extract revenge on an American arms dealer who sold ammunition to Villa that he used in the Battle of Celaya and which turned out to be useless.

Meyer lemon

However, at that time it was discovered that a majority of the Meyer lemon trees being cloned were symptomless carriers of the Citrus tristeza virus, a virus which had killed millions of citrus trees all over the world and rendered other millions useless for production.

Olympus on My Mind

Mercury, Jupiter's son, has accompanied him to Earth, but he turns out to be useless when Jupiter wants to know the result of the battle with Sparta.

Orlando Ward

At the Second Battle of the Marne, under conditions that rendered other officers in charge useless, he took charge of the 2d Battalion of the 10th Field Artillery Regiment and kept the battalion effective until the tide of Germans was turned back.

Protect the Boss

Cha Ji-heon (Ji Sung) is an incredibly immature young man who is useless at his job as a director at DN Group, where the chairman is his father (Park Yeong-gyu).

Publish and Be Damned

Publications which have previously take part in the fair include 20x20 magazine, Harry Pye's The Rebel magazine, Plan B, Fever Zine, Dent-de-Leone, BUTT, Useless and Le Gun.

Rewley Abbey

Abbot Nicholaus Austen, early in 1536, offered Thomas Cromwell £100 to save the monastery if only by converting it into a college, (fn. 20) but it was useless, and Abbot Nicholas was pensioned off and retired to Trinity Hall, Cambridge, to study.There is a Catholic Priest who has the title of Abbot of Rewley Abbey.

Robert Yeamans

The threat proved useless, as Fiennes also held other notable Royalist prisoners recently captured by Sir William Waller on his raid into Herefordshire, so to forestall a blood bath King Charles ordered that no retaliatory executions should take place.

Stella Soleil

Stella started in Chicago, Illinois doing back up vocals for a number of local bands including Chemlab's album East Side Militia singing on "Electric Molecular", the Ministry song "Useless", from the album Filth Pig and 16 Volt on LetdownCrush, singing on "Swarm".

Taylor Barracks

An Autobahn bridge near Kaiserslautern destroyed by German engineers near the war’s end made long stretches of the autobahn useless.

That Book ...of Perfectly Useless Information

That Book ...of Perfectly Useless Information, commonly abbreviated as "That Book" (the title it was published under in Britain) is a book written by writer Mitchell Symons, and published in 2004.

The Return of Godzilla

The JASDF attacks Godzilla with Mitsubishi F-1 fighter jets, but their missiles are useless against him.

The Thanos Quest

In Part One of the Thanos Quest, Thanos first travels to the Nexus of Reality where the concept being the In-Betweener is being imprisoned by Lord Chaos and Master Order; after freeing him from the sphere in which he is being incarcerated, Thanos forcibly takes the Soul Gem from the In-Betweener, whose powers are useless at the heart of the realm of Chaos and Order.

Tiny Animals

In June 2009, Tiny Animals recorded a performance of "Useless" for the syndicated program Fearless Music.


It should be noted that there is no official help file, rather, in the included .hlp file, Bernd Richter stated This help file was automatically created by the developing environment and is quite useless.

Vertical Force

These drones emit a signal (an Electromagnetic pulse, perhaps?) that renders all Earth starfighters useless.

Works by Francis Bacon

About which Professor Benjamin Farrington stated: "while it is a fact that he laboured to distinguish the realms of faith and knowledge, it is equally true that he thought one without the other useless".

see also