
3 unusual facts about Valley Metro

Buckeye, Arizona

Buckeye is served by Valley Metro via a rural bus line connecting Phoenix-Goodyear-Gila Bend-Ajo.


Archaeological finds have been recorded along the track of the adjacent Valley Metro light-rail construction.

North/Northwest Phoenix

The mall grounds also contain a Valley Metro transit stop for buses, and is slated as a location for light rail service in the future.

see also

Public transport in Phoenix

Towns such as Buckeye, Cave Creek and Laveen are localities in Maricopa County which are omitted from Valley Metro’s routes; people living in these areas must commute miles to the nearest bus stops in surrounding cities.

River Valley Metro Mass Transit District

The River Valley Metro has been actively studying a number of proposals for expanding bus service, that include a commuter routes to Watseka and an express route along IL 50.