
unusual facts about Values

68–95–99.7 rule

In statistics, the 68–95–99.7 rule, also known as the three-sigma rule or empirical rule, states that nearly all values lie within three standard deviations of the mean in a normal distribution.

Artis the Spoonman

In 1994, an NPR's Morning Edition focused on him and his artistic rejection of material values.

Ashot Melkonian

Its most characteristic features are the precise simplicity of drawing, the richness of substance and bold statement of values adopted by the new school of Armenian painting that emerged in the 1960s.

Azuma's inequality

In probability theory, the Azuma–Hoeffding inequality (named after Kazuoki Azuma and Wassily Hoeffding) gives a concentration result for the values of martingales that have bounded differences.


He is Laurence Rockefeller University Professor of Politics and Human Values at Princeton University.

Brighton Park, Chicago

Access to, property values, and economic growth in the neighborhood have been improved by the 1964 opening of the Stevenson Expressway, Interstate 55, the 1993 opening of the Orange Line rapid transit line, and the revitalization of the nearby Chicago Midway International Airport.

Canfield ocean

The term Strangelove ocean is a model name coined by a study published in 1985, which found a decrease in the δ13 C values of planktic skeletons following the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, causing a homogenous ocean in decades or centuries, visible in the boundary sediment layer as a manifestation of the elimination in the surface-to-bottom carbon isotope gradient in ocean waters, the halt of ocean primary production.

Charles F. Howard

Additionally, he has also been recognized by various publications, including the Houston Chronicle for his efforts in securing funds for the expansion of U.S. Highway 59, which runs through Sugar Land, and by the Republican Party of Texas for Howard's strong recognition of the party's values.

Charles Hampden-Turner

1997, with Fons Trompenaars, Mastering the infinite game: how East Asian values are transforming business practices.


Some of the cirth had different values for the Elvish and Dwarvish languages, and some were used in only one system or the other.

Many letters have shapes also found in the historical futhorc runes (used in The Hobbit), but their sound values are dissimilar.


COALESCE, an SQL command that selects the first non-null from a range of values

Cyclical theory

The values of Private Interest bear strong resemblance to Adam Smith’s theories of the laissez-faire economy (free market) and also the invisible hand.

Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test

The CIE has determined some baseline values and experimental standards to be used in both editions of the test, others are fluid and merely require consistency from test to test.

Four-valued logic

In the SAE J1939 standard, used for CAN data transmission in heavy road vehicles, there are four logical (boolean) values, False, True, Error Condition, and Not installed (represented by values 0-3).

Geno Baroni

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of his death, Baroni disciple Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-MD, noted: "If Geno were alive today, he would be asking us to develop not only economic capital, but social capital -- values and virtues such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility."

Hamming distance

two strings (or other iterable objects) of equal length, by creating a sequence of Boolean values indicating mismatches and matches between corresponding positions in the two inputs, and then summing the sequence with False and True values being interpreted as zero and one.

Hex dump

When hex dumps are intended to be manually entered into a computer, such as was the case with print magazine articles of home computer era a checksum byte (or two) would be added at the end of each row, commonly calculated as simple 256 modulo of sum of all values in the row or a more sophisticated CRC.

Hildesheim Börde

As a result, a federal facility for testing soil values was established at Harsum, part of Machtsum, which was located within the Hildesheim Börde.

Indicator value

The older usage of the term refers to Ellenberg's indicator values, which are based on a simple ordinal classification of plants according to the position of their realized ecological niche along an environmental gradient.

Instant WebKiosk

Instant WebKiosk/UB, Unrestricted Browsing, is a live, browser-only (only browser interface will show up) operating system designed for web kiosks and multi-user web workstations: it is a fully customizable operating system for Internet browsing purposes, which protects privacy; users can change its settings but after a reset the operating system defaults to original values, except for persistent settings.

Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

The first was a group of scientists from the Committee on Science and Values of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Islamic Academy

The Islamic Foundation Bangladesh, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Bangladesh working to disseminate values and ideals of Islam and carry out activities related to those values and ideals

Italian classical music

Yet, it was inevitable that Italian composers would respond to the fading values of Romanticism and the cynicism provoked in many European artistic quarters by such things as World War I and such cultural/scientific phenomena as psychoanalysis in which—at least according to Robert Louis Stevenson—"all men have secret thoughts that would shame hell."


Presented by Noel Edmonds, the player is presented with a succession of box values, and must light up all the boxes by accepting the values that appear and discarding the ones that don't within a given time limit.

James Tyson

Enid Moberly Bell (1947:124-126) recounts a chance meeting between Tyson and Flora Shaw on a long train journey: although vastly different in background, they had "a fundamental agreement on values - indifference to wealth, delight in adventure, satisfaction in work accomplished ..." - see E.M.Bell (1947) Flora Shaw: Lady Lugard, D.B.E. Constable.

JCI Ralston

=== The Values of JCI Ralston are summed up by the Jaycee Creed ===

Jeffersonian democracy

John Randolph, after leading the party in Congress, formed the "Old Republicans" or Tertium Quids or "Quid" faction, saying Jefferson had strayed too far from the core values of republicanism.

Juventas New Music Ensemble

Huelskamp stated, "We felt young and underrepresented in a musical world that highly values the wisdom and experience that comes with age....the lack of professional opportunities for young composers and musicians is a real problem to which Juventas hopes to provide some solution." The Latin word juventas (meaning youth), was chosen to reflect the ensemble's mission.

Kay Gardella

Gardella often mourned for the "golden age of Hollywood" and criticized declining values.

Laurent Jiménez-Balaguer

Jiménez-Balaguer’s work shares certain core values intrinsic to the field of Cultural studies and the theoretical struggle of intellectuals such as Julia Kristeva, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Alexis Virginie Jimenez, Judith Butler.

Leslie Weatherhead

From 1930 till 1939, Weatherhead was a member of Dr Frank Buchman's Oxford Group and wrote several books reflecting the group's values, including Discipleship and The Will of God.

Mark Albion

From 2009 to 2010, Albion served in the Office of the President to help integrate social values and sustainability into the college, and founded the inaugural AshokaU Changemaker Campus Team at Babson College.

Marquisate of Del Bosque

The marquisate was bestowed by Juan Carlos I of Spain on Vicente del Bosque, by Royal Decree 135/2011, on 3 February 2011 in recognition of his "great dedication to Spanish sport and the contribution of don Vicente del Bosque González to the promotion of sporting values".

No Surprises/Running from Demons

This "remixed" version of "Pearly*" (as opposed to the "original version" available on the "Paranoid Android" single and Airbag/How Am I Driving? EP) features clearer production values, louder guitar at the beginning of the song, and a different guitar line at the end.

Percy Jewett Burrell

Burrell served as the sixth supreme (national) president of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity from 1907 to 1914, and along with fraternity founder Ossian E. Mills has been credited by fraternity historians with encouraging the early expansion of and formulating the basic philosophies and spiritual values espoused by the fraternity.

Phillip Jauregui

Additionally, Jauregui is a past and current participant in the Values Action Team of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives, chaired by Senator Sam Brownback and Congressman Joe Pitts, respectively.

PHP syntax and semantics

Order is preserved in lists of values and in hashes with both keys and values, and the two can be intermingled.


A shortcoming of current formats for describing phylogenetic trees (such as Nexus and Newick/New Hampshire) is a lack of a standardized means to annotate tree nodes and branches with distinct data fields (which in the case of a basic species tree might be: species names, branch lengths, and possibly multiple support values).

Pink money

In politics, pink money has been viewed as controversial, mainly due to pressure from conservative groups promoting traditional values, — for instance, Presidential Candidate Michael Dukakis publicly disassociated himself from pink money during the 1988 US presidential election.

Protest Songs

Till The Cows Come Home appears to contrast old and new English values, while Diana looks at the stardom of Diana, Princess of Wales, then at its peak, and makes some pointed near-predictions about the fate of her marriage and about her relationship to the media.


SASVO promoted values like volunteerism, Self-reliance, Love of Africa, Regional cooperation and unity, Interchange of people of diverse backgrounds, Responsibility towards community, Leadership development, Gender equality, and Physical involvement in development.

Scientific pitch

(Other contemporary researchers such as Christiaan Huygens, Vittorio Francesco Stancari and Brook Taylor were finding similar and lower values for A4, as low as 383 Hz.)

Slot machine

Having access to the PRNG code and seed values Ronald Dale Harris, a former slot machine programmer, discovered equations for specific gambling games like Keno that allowed him to predict what the next set of selected numbers would be based on the previous games played.

Theodore Durrant

A notorious right wing politician and inventor, Noel Pemberton Billing was publishing that the production was meant to sap British military and spiritual values by introducing indecent ideas (i.e., homosexuality) into the public from Wilde's writings.

Thomas Devaux

In the words of Anne Biroleau-Lemagny, General Curator for 21st Century Contemporary Art Bibliothèque nationale de France (BNF), "Thomas Devaux is the author of several ambitious and complex series in which so many fundamental values like evolution in photography come into play. The photography’s index value cannot be denied. It is indeed a direct shot but a shooting immediately considered as a fragment of a future reconstruction.".

Two-stage model of free will

David Sedley and Anthony Long speculated in their 1987 masterwork The Hellenistic Philosophers that Epicurus's swerve of the atoms might be limited to providing undetermined alternative possibilities for action, from which the mind's power of volition could choose in a way that reflects character and values, desires and feelings.


Several web-based networking and media outlets have in the meantime emerged in the post-Yugoslav region—such as Ljudmila, Kontrapunkt Festival, out of which ZaMirNET in Zagreb has built on—in terms of values, activist networks and human resources of ZTN.

Zhang Chengzhi

Zhu Xueqin expressed his admiration of Zhang for "casting off his old self" and taking a "firm stand" for idealistic values and against ethnocentrism.

Zhu Bajie

His Buddhist name "Zhu Wuneng", given by Bodhisattva Guanyin, means "pig (reincarnated) who is aware of ability," or "pig who rises to power", a reference to the fact that he values himself so much as to forget his own grisly appearance.

see also