
unusual facts about Vaughan Hart

Robert Tavernor

He founded the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA) at the University of Bath, and with Vaughan Hart, its current Director, established a focus on Classical and Italian Renaissance architectural treatises; between them they have translated and written about the leading classical architectural theorists – including, Vitruvius, Alberti, Serlio, and Palladio.

Joseph Rykwert

Sir James Stirling commented on The First Moderns, for example, that it was: ‘An erudite lead into my favourite period (early nineteenth century) with amazing revelations on the architectural heroes of the time.’ Many of Rykwert’s former pupils have gone on to have significant careers in their own right, such as Daniel Libeskind, Shams Naga, Eric Parry, Alberto Pérez-Gómez, Mohsen Mostafavi, Robert Tavernor, Vaughan Hart and David Leatherbarrow.

see also