
unusual facts about Viceroy of Zhili


Minister of Beiyang's (北洋通商大臣) position was to be hold by the Viceroy of Zhili.

Charles Denby, Jr.

In 1900, he was appointed as secretary general of the provisional government in Tientsin, China during the Boxer Rebellion, and then from 1902 to 1905 he served as the chief foreign adviser to the Viceroy of Zhili, Yuan Shikai.

Li Hongzhang

Li was impressed with the necessity of strengthening the empire, and while Viceroy of Zhili he raised a large well-drilled and well-armed force, and spent vast sums both in fortifying Port Arthur and the Taku forts and in increasing the navy.

He was appointed to the viceroyalty of the metropolitan province of Zhili, and justified his appointment by the energy with which he suppressed all attempts to keep alive the anti-foreign sentiment among the people.

He quelled several major rebellions and served in important positions of the Imperial Court, including the premier viceroyalty of Zhili.

Shō Tai

Chinese Viceroy Li Hongzhang protested the annexation of the former kingdom, and attempted to reopen the question of Ryūkyū's sovereignty, by entering into discussions with former US president Ulysses S. Grant and officials in Tokyo, but without success.

see also