Canadian Vicki Keith started from Harbor Beach in her historic swim across Lake Huron.
Swimmers do this on freestyle, yet only two swimmers in the world have achieved two of the three on the proper traditional Butterfly, Dr Julie Bradshaw MBE being one and Vicki Keith (Canada) another.
Keith Haring | Keith Richards | Keith Urban | Toby Keith | Keith Jarrett | Keith Emerson | Keith Moon | Keith Carradine | Keith Sweat | Keith | Countdown with Keith Olbermann | Keith Miller | Keith Giffen | Keith David | David Keith | Keith Whitley | Keith Park | Keith Olbermann | Keith Jardine | Keith Green | Keith Ellison | Brian Keith | Keith Thibodeaux | Keith Rothfus | Keith Lockhart | Keith Ellison (politician) | Keith Barron | Vicki Lawrence | Kool Keith | Keith Van Horn |