Mictlán was promoted for the first time in 1992 when they bought the license that Galcasa from Villa Nueva left in the top division.
Mayor Salvador Gándara, serving from 2000 to 2011, was longlisted for the 2008 World Mayor award.
Aston Villa F.C. | Pancho Villa | Nueva Ecija | Heitor Villa-Lobos | Villa Park | Pancho Villa Expedition | Roman villa | Villa Tunari | David Villa | Villa Savoye | Villa San Giovanni | Villa Medici | Nueva Segovia | Nueva Ocotepeque | Nueva Vizcaya | Nueva Esparta | Villa Pisani | Villa Clara Province | Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia | Nueva Pompeya | Villa d'Este | Villa Crespo | Villa Arson | Villa Argentina | José Villa Soberón | Villa San Michele | Villa Park (stadium) | Villa Montalvo | Villa Mercedes | Villa María |
Among the most important cities on the path of the Tercero are Río Tercero, Villa María, Villa Nueva, Bell Ville and Leones.