
unusual facts about Vulnerability


Adriana Cavarero

Appreciated and discussed by Judith Butler in Giving an Account of Oneself, this book, by contrasting the sovereign subject of the metaphysical tradition, confronts with the urge of rethinking politics and ethics in terms of a relational ontology, characterized by reciprocal exposure, dependence and vulnerability of an incarnated self who postulates the other as necessary.

Bermuda Volunteer/Territorial Army Units 1895–1965

This vulnerability to a potential European invasion continued to be underlined by subsequent events on the continent: on April 29, 1859, war broke out between France and the Austrian Empire (an outgrowth of the Second Italian War of Independence), and there were fears that Britain might be caught up in a wider European conflict.


It does not show and particular vulnerability to the major pests, with the exception of the Peacock butterfly (Inachis io), this particularly in the dampest parts of north-central Sardinia.

Bubble Boy

Severe combined immunodeficiency, sometimes called bubble boy disease, a genetic disorder which results in an extreme vulnerability to infectious diseases


The last known critical vulnerability for BugTracker.NET was in 2005, when Secunia warned of SQL injection vulnerabilities in version 2.0.

Cross-zone scripting

This type of vulnerability has been exploited to silently install various malware (such as spyware, remote control software, worms and such) onto computers browsing a malicious web page.

Dan Farmer

In 1995, Farmer and Wietse Venema (a Dutch programmer and physicist) developed a second vulnerability scanner called the Security Administrator Tool for Analyzing Networks (SATAN).

Dileep Nair

In 2000, he wanted to determine vulnerability of the United Nations' Oil-for-Food Programme for Iraq.

Economy of Tuvalu

Although listed by the UN as a Lower Middle Income LDC, it scores very high in terms of EVI (Economic Vulnerability Index), with a rating of 79.7 out of 100 in 2009, leading the UN to state that Tuvalu is the most "economically vulnerable country in the world".

Elias Levy

Elias Levy (also known as Aleph One), was the moderator of the full disclosure vulnerability mailing list Bugtraq from May 14, 1996, until he stepped down on October 15, 2001.

Finger protocol

The Morris worm, in 1988, exploited an overflow vulnerability in fingerd (among others) to spread.

Girl Guides Association of Saint Lucia

The Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles Training Program aimed to provide an opportunity for young women to develop and exercise their leadership skills in order to reduce their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS.

Heap spraying

Many web browser exploits that use heap spraying consist only of a heap spray that is copy-pasted from a previous exploit combined with a small piece of script or HTML that triggers the vulnerability.

Herbert Hugh Thompson

Both the Visual Basic script hack by Thompson and the memory card hack by Hursti Hack can be seen in HBO's "Hacking Democracy" where Hursti and Thompson hacked into Diebold Election Systems's voting machines and central tabulator system in Leon County, Florida proving its vulnerability.

Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office

Following the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1867 and the "restoration" of direct imperial rule, the leaders of the new Meiji government sought to reduce Japan's vulnerability to Western imperialism by systematically emulating the technological, governing, social, and military practices of the European great powers.

Java security

An OS X trojan referred to as Flashback exploited a vulnerability in Java, which had not been patched by Apple, although Oracle had already released a patch.

Jeannie Hopkirk

Later, in episode 15, "The Man from Nowhere", Jeannie goes as far as partly to believe that an imposter is actually her deceased husband Marty in spirit, again emphasizing her vulnerability.

Lino Briguglio

Professor Briguglio was lead author for the IPCC third IPCC Third Assessment Report and fourth IPCC Fourth Assessment Report assessments reports, contributing mainly to the chapters on small islands’ vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.

Love Minus Zero/No Limit

This image recalls Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven", but is also a symbol of the lover's vulnerability in spite of her strength.

Lyn Yvonne Abramson

As a clinical psychologist, her main areas of research interest have been exploring vulnerability to major depressive disorder and psychobiological and cognitive approaches to depression, bipolar disorder, and eating disorders.

Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego

In a July 14, 2005 public response to the Commission, Gordon R. England, the acting Deputy Secretary of Defense, stated that the Department of Defense did not recommend San Diego's closure because it would create a single point of failure in regard to Parris Island's vulnerability to hurricanes, among other threats.


Revision3 CEO Jim Louderback accused MediaDefender of injecting its decoy files into Revision3's BitTorrent service through a vulnerability, then automatically perpetrating the attack after Revision3 increased security.

Metroid Fusion

The vaccine cures Samus and not only gives her the ability to absorb and use the nuclei of X Parasites for nourishment (the Metroids were the main predators of the X prior to their extermination by Samus on SR388), but also the Metroid's vulnerability to extremely cold temperatures.

National Vulnerability Database

On Friday March 8, 2013, the database was taken offline after it was discovered that the system used to run multiple government sites had been compromised by a software vulnerability of Adobe ColdFusion.

Nikto Web Scanner

Chris Sullo, the CFO of Open Security Foundation has written this scanner for vulnerability assessment.

Operation Aurora

Security company Websense said it identified "limited public use" of the unpatched IE vulnerability in drive-by attacks against users who strayed onto malicious Web sites.

Ophrys sphegodes

Despite its apparent vulnerability, it has very successfully colonised the chalk spoil dumping grounds created near Dover at Samphire Hoe from the excavations of the Channel Tunnel.

Paul Reiter

Reiter says he was a contributor to the third IPCC Working Group II (Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability) report, but resigned because he "found himself at loggerheads with persons who insisted on making authoritative pronouncements, although they had little or no knowledge of his speciality".

Philip Hays

His former student Doug Aitken wrote, “Hays’ work slid under the door of popular culture and affected it like sand falling in the cracks of a machine…the glamour of the subjects fade and their flaws and vulnerability appear…revealed is our beautiful disintegration as we’re faced with the inevitable race toward mortality.”

Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act

The Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act, commonly known as the RAVE Act, was a bill proposed in the United States Senate during the 107th Congress.


-- citations as support of the statements are fine --> In electric and gas utility SCADA systems, the vulnerability of the large installed base of wired and wireless serial communications links is addressed in some cases by applying bump-in-the-wire devices that employ authentication and Advanced Encryption Standard encryption rather than replacing all existing nodes.


A 2010 paper by Cyril Labbe from Grenoble University demonstrated the vulnerability of h-index calculations based on Google Scholar output by feeding it a large set of SCIgen-generated documents that were citing each other (effectively an academic link farm).


Securax (1998–2002) was considered as one of Belgium's strongest hacking movements in the past twenty years and was founded by Filip Maertens and co-founded by Davy Van De Moere as an online community in order to combine skills and experiences in the domain of vulnerability identification, zero-day exploit creation and penetration testing methods.

Shaun Gerardo

In 2011, Patch Media reviewed Shaun's work in One Night Stands, a play by Paul Storiale: "Shaun Gerardo, holds his own and shows vulnerability, strength, sincerity and realism few Oscar-winning actors display".

Systematic risk

In finance and economics, systematic risk (sometimes called aggregate risk, market risk, or undiversifiable risk) is vulnerability to events which affect aggregate outcomes such as broad market returns, total economy-wide resource holdings, or aggregate income.

Timing attack

In 2003, Boneh and Brumley demonstrated a practical network-based timing attack on SSL-enabled web servers, based on a different vulnerability having to do with the use of RSA with Chinese remainder theorem optimizations.


VeraSafe's scanning algorithm includes checks for known web vulnerability including SQL injections, RFI, cross site scripting, and request forgeries.

Vigilant Eagle

The University of Southern California reported in a study funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that “the capability of MANPADS to reach targets at altitudes of up to or beyond 15,000 feet allow these weapons to be used at a radius of 50 miles or more from most airports, making perimeter facility control largely ineffective.” Northrop Grumman has also estimated that "the zone of vulnerability around the airport is 300 square miles."

Vulnerability and the Human Condition Initiative

The VHC initiative first public session took the form of a roundtable discussion with Bryan S. Turner and Peadar Kirby (both of whom were already working on concepts of vulnerability in relation to a sociology of human rights and a critical account of globalisation respectively).


Cross-site scripting, a computer security vulnerability in web applications


Cross-site tracing, a network security vulnerability exploiting the HTTP TRACE method.

see also