As an example, new affiliates WDJT in Milwaukee and WGNX in Atlanta — both cities that are home to NASCAR races — and WWJ in Detroit, close to Michigan International Speedway, were on the UHF band (channels 14–69), meaning that they had a significantly reduced broadcast area compared to former affiliates WITI, WAGA-TV, and WJBK, respectively.
This is one of the few examples of a Channel 6 station restoring their station audio legally after the June 2009 digital television transition; audio from Channel 6 stations was heard on 87.7 FM on most FM radios in television's analog age due to an anomalous quirk between the lower VHF TV and FM bands, a feature highly promoted by WITI on-air for commuters.
In 1997, WITI was invited to represent the United States abroad at the first "Vital Voices" conference hosted by Ambassador to Vienna Swanee Hunt and First Lady Hillary Clinton in Vienna.