
unusual facts about Waldbühne


Carlo Karges

He was attending a 1982 Rolling Stones concert at the Waldbühne (the "Forest Theatre") in West Berlin, when they released a large mass of helium balloons into the air.

Frankenburg am Hausruck

The play was commissioned by the German Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, for the opening of the Dietrich-Eckart-Bühne, an outdoor theatre (Thingplatz) near the Berlin Olympic Stadium (now called the Waldbühne).

Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf

The first play in 1928 was Gerhart Hauptmann's ‘Der arme Heinrich’, in 2011 Waldbühne Sigmaringendorf showed Victor Hugo's Les Misérables and Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking.

see also