
unusual facts about Walter Kaufmann

Twilight of the Idols

Walter Kaufmann has suggested that in his use of the word Nietzsche's might be indebted to Francis Bacon.


Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of the übermensch, translated "overman" (as opposed to, e.g., "superman") by scholars including Walter Kaufmann

Richard Oehler

Richard Oehler (27 February 1878, Heckholzhausen, Hesse-Nassau - 13 November 1948) was a German Nietzsche scholar – an early editor of the philosopher's works, and author of Friedrich Nietzsche und die deutsche Zukunft (Leipzig: Armanen-Verlag, 1935), which has been characterized by Walter Kaufmann as "one of the first Nazi books on Nietzsche" (Basic Writings of Nietzsche, New York: The Modern Library, 2000, p. 387, n. 27).

see also