The ensemble performed not only the standard string quartet repertoire but also performed new works by contemporary Canadian composers like Patricia Blomfield Holt, Walter MacNutt, and John Weinzweig.
During its more than eight decade history, the company published works by a large number of notable Canadian composers, including compositions by Violet Archer, John Beckwith, Keith Bissell, Jean Coulthard, Samuel Dolin, Robert Fleming, Talivaldis Kenins, Walter MacNutt, Barbara Pentland, Godfrey Ridout, Eric Wild, and Healey Willan.
Walter Scott | Sir Walter Scott | Walter Cronkite | Walter Raleigh | Walter Benjamin | Walter Mondale | Walter Matthau | Walter Gropius | Walter Hamma | Walter Savage Landor | Walter Burley Griffin | Walter Payton | Walter | Bruno Walter | Walter Winchell | Walter Crane | Walter Rilla | Walter Koenig | Walter Brennan | Walter Sickert | Walter Pidgeon | Walter Isaacson | Walter Damrosch | Walter Crickmer | Walter Brueggemann | Walter Reed | Walter Browne | Little Walter | Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford | Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild |