
unusual facts about Warring States


Yi was ruler of Zeng, one of the Warring States which at the time of his death was under control of the Chǔ state.

Iron Age China

According to the mortuary evidence suggests that the initial use of iron in Guangdong belongs to the mid to late Warring States period (from about 350 BC).

see also

Otto Rühle

Otto Rühle (23 October 1874 in Großschirma – 24 June 1943 in Mexico) was a German Marxist active in opposition to both the First and Second World Wars, and a founder along with Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Franz Mehring and others of the group and magazine Internationale, which posed a revolutionary internationalism against a world of warring states, and also the Spartacist League (Spartakusbund in German) in 1916.