
unusual facts about Washington Mall

Million Calorie March: The Movie

The TV show covered the March again live on remote broadcast from the Washington Mall in D.C. on June 15, 2004, as well as the March crew’s arrival in Manhattan on June 24, 2004.

see also

Marie Arana

For more than a decade she was the editor in chief of "Book World", the book review section of The Washington Post, during which time she instituted the partnership of The Washington Post with the White House (First Lady Laura Bush) and the Library of Congress (Dr. James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress) in hosting the annual National Book Festival on the Washington Mall.

Nathaniel A. Owings

Owings and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then urban affairs adviser in President Richard Nixon's administration, were ultimately credited with the success of the master plan for the Washington Mall and for the redesign of Pennsylvania Avenue as the capital's grand ceremonial boulevard.