
2 unusual facts about Washington Monthly

Laird v. Tatum

Tatum sued after Washington Monthly published an article revealing that US military intelligence units were gathering intelligence on civilians and civil organizations in the US.

Opus Dei: An Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church

Paul Baumann of Washington Monthly states: "has earned a reputation for balanced, informed reporting. He does not simply reflect the leanings of the liberal weekly paper that is his primary outlet. Here, that reputation gives credence to much of what Opus Dei members tell him in defending the group's philosophy and practices. In that sense, Allen may be too liberal for his own good."

Colin Woodard

His work has appeared in dozens of publications including The Economist, Smithsonian, The Washington Post, Newsweek/The Daily Beast, Bloomberg View, Washington Monthly, and Down East, where he was a contributing editor.

USC Center on Public Diplomacy

Markos Kounalakis, Advisory Board Member, President and Publisher, Washington Monthly magazine

see also