
2 unusual facts about Ways and Means Committee

Ways and Means committee

For example, the Minister of Finance introduces changes to its fiscal plan via a Ways and Means Motion to Amend the Income Tax Act.

The United States House Committee on Ways and Means is a committee in the United States House of Representatives similar to that same committee in the United Kingdom House of Commons.

Lynn Jenkins

She was named to the Ways and Means Committee when the Republicans gained control of the House for the 112th Congress.

United States congressional subcommittee

Subcommittee leaders selected for the Appropriations Committee, Energy and Commerce Committee, and Ways and Means Committee require Democratic Steering and Policy Committee approval.

see also

Bruce Nestande

He was also a member of the Criminal Justice, Housing and Community Development Committee; the Ways and Means Committee; and the Resources, Land Use and Energy Committee.

Edward T. Hanley

Among the many notable individuals who Hanley counted among his friends were House Ways and Means Committee chairman Dan Rostenkowski, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley, and former Illinois governor James R. Thompson.

Steve May

During his time in office, May served as the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee and was instrumental in getting Arizona's sodomy law repealed.