
3 unusual facts about Webster University

Eduard Wirths

Webster University, Nazi Doctors & Other Perpetrators of Nazi Crimes

James E. Livingston

During this period, he earned a master’s degree in Management from Webster University (1984).

William M. Steele

A native of Atlanta, Georgia, he graduated from The Citadel in 1967 and earned a Master of Arts in Management from Webster University in St. Louis.

Luise Druke

from Brussels University and a M.A. in Economics, Finance and Management from Webster University, St. Louis, a Diploma from Sorbonne, License d'enseignement from Paris VIII University and a M.A. from the European Institute of High International Studies, University of Nice in European Studies.

see also

Richard Stang

In 1992 he married Webster University photographer and educator Susan Hacker Stang.