
unusual facts about Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale

Rudyard Kipling: A Remembrance Tale

It is one in a series of annual Remembrance Sunday documentaries, followed by Wilfred Owen: A Remembrance Tale (2007) and A Woman in Love and War: Vera Brittain (2008).

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Wilfred Owen mentions being shelled by "Five-Nines" in his poem Dulce et Decorum est.

Bullets and Daffodils

Bullets and Daffodils is a musical about the life of the war poet Wilfred Owen, created by musician and composer Dean Johnson and directed by Dean Sullivan.

Clancy Chassay

In his childhood Chassay was briefly a child actor, appearing in two Derek Jarman films, as the young Ludwig Wittgenstein in Jarman's 1993 film Wittgenstein and the young Wilfred Owen, alongside Laurence Olivier, in Jarman's 1988 film War Requiem.

Jessie Pope

Wilfred Owen directed his 1917 poem Dulce et Decorum Est at Pope, whose literary reputation has faded into relative obscurity as those of war poets such as Owen and Siegfried Sassoon have grown.


For his courage and leadership in the Joncourt action, the poet Wilfred Owen was posthumously awarded the Military Cross.

Sambre–Oise Canal

Participating in the operation were the 2nd Battalion Royal Sussex, as well as the 2nd Manchesters, to which the poet Wilfred Owen belonged.

Samina Malik

Although her defence counsel has compared her poems to the esteemed British poet Wilfred Owen, Malik herself has called her poetry "meaningless".

The Great War and Modern Memory

Fussell describes the lives and works of many figures, but centers on four key writers of early English Modernist literature who became productive, or who significantly changed the form of their literary work, in combat on the Western front: Edmund Blunden, Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen, and Siegfried Sassoon.

Tynecastle High School

Wilfred Owen the First World War poet taught at Tynecastle when he was a patient at Craiglockhart Hospital.

World War I in literature

Critical study of Wilfred Owen's oeuvre and his life: Wilfred Owen: The Man, the Soldier, the Poet (Kolkata: Books Way, 2013) by Pinaki Roy (ISBN 978-93-81672-59-4)

see also