
5 unusual facts about William Barrett

Ballincollig Castle

Because of this they seem to have become tenants of Carrigrohane under John Barrett for King Edward II in wars in Scotland, the king pardoned Crown debts and rents chargeable on his heir, William Barrett.


William Barrett joined in the insurrection of the Desmond Rebellions against Elizabeth, but was pardoned by Her Majesty and received into favour.

Philip Rahv

According to Partisan Review co-editor William Barrett's "The Truants: Adventures Among the Intellectuals", the Marxist Rahv had a healthy contempt for "Liberals", whom he viewed as appeasers of Joseph Stalin's post-World War II Soviet Union.

Rahv's work at Partisan Review, which he co-founded, put him at the center of an intellectual circle that included Dwight Macdonald, Lionel Trilling, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Alfred Kazin, Delmore Schwartz, Sidney Hook, William Barrett, and many other intellectuals of the period.

William Barret

:For other people see William Barrett.

see also

Betsy Ross flag

Other flag makers of that period include Rebecca Young, Anne King, Cornelia Bridges, and flag painter William Barrett.