
2 unusual facts about William Bradford

William Bradford

William Bradford Reed (1806–1876), American lawyer, diplomat, journalist, academic

William Richard Bradford (1948–2008), convicted murderer and possible serial killer


Bawtry has a school called Bawtry Mayflower School named after the ship Mayflower, which took William Bradford, leader of the Pilgrims, to the Americas, settling the first Plymouth Colony.

Boston Guildhall

In 1607, it is believed to have been the place where William Brewster, William Bradford and their followers (the Separatists, later to be known as the Pilgrim Fathers) were taken following their arrest after trying to flee England.

Edward Winslow

Edward Winslow, along with William Bradford are believed to have prepared a Journal of the Beginning and Proceeding of the English Plantation settled at Plymouth in New England, published in 1622, which is generally known as Mourt's Relation, owing to its preface having been signed by "G. Mourt."

Emily Baldwin

Emily was also the niece of US Representative Timothy Pitkin, the granddaughter of the Rev. Timothy Pitkin (Yale 1747), great-granddaughter Governor William Pitkin and the Reverend Thomas Clap, who was the fifth President of Yale College; and a descendant of Governors George Wyllys and John Haynes of Connecticut and Governor Thomas Dudley of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Governor William Bradford of the Plymouth Colony.

Hans-Thorald Michaelis

On the basis of these researches he could prove that all descendants in direct line of his grand-grandmother Mary Barbara Rennie (1836−1920) from the Rennie-Clan of Kilsyth, are also direct descendants from the pilgrims father William Bradford (1590−1657).

Mayflower passengers who died at sea November/December 1620

:He was a "youth", as noted by William Bradford and a servant of Samuel Fuller, a longtime member of the Leiden, Holland church and a doctor for the colonists.

Robert Holley

Holley is a descendant of William Bradford, one of the signatories of the Mayflower Compact.

Samuel McClellan

He was born in Worcester, Massachusetts, married Rachel Abbe (a descendant of Plymouth, Massachusetts Governor, William Bradford) on March 5, 1766, and is buried in Woodstock, Connecticut.

The Maypole of Merry Mount

Being a descendant of the earliest arrivals who were seeking freedom over 200 years before, Hawthorne must have known well the stories that typically lie behind official tales, such as those that we find from William Bradford, John Endicott, John Winthrop, and others.


But considering Winslow's father, Edward Winslow and Governor William Bradford (both of whom had died before this), and their previous peaceful relations with Wamsutta's father, Massasoit, such speculation is open to question.

Women in War

It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects (Howard Lydecker, William Bradford, Ellis J. Thackery, Herbert Norsch).

see also

Edward Winslow

He was the author of several important pamphlets, including Good Newes from New England and co-wrote with William Bradford the historic Mourt's Relation, which ends with an account of the First Thanksgiving and the abundance of the New World.

The Execution of Private Slovik

In Kurt Vonnegut's 1969 novel Slaughterhouse-Five, Billy Pilgrim finds an abandoned copy of William Bradford Huie's book and reads through it while in a waiting room.

William Bishop

Bradford Bishop (William Bradford Bishop; born 1936), United States Foreign Service officer and fugitive from justice