
3 unusual facts about William Fox


To the right of the front door, a plaque says that Missoula architect William Fox designed the building, complete with the "stylized radio tower" above the front door, in 1946.

St. George, Staten Island

Brill sold the theater within three years to William Fox, whose name lives on in the Fox Television Network and 20th Century Fox film studio.

Winfield Sheehan

In the latter capacity, he helped the newly established studio of William Fox, stay afloat in the face of increasing pressure to fold from the Motion Picture Patents Company, which routinely absorbed, intimidated, and ultimately destroyed most fledgling studios.

Bernard Quaife

He also took the first of his small haul of wickets when he dismissed Worcestershire's William Fox in late May.

Jackie Saunders

In the '20s and after Balboa folded, she appeared in productions produced by William Fox, Metro Pictures, Lewis J. Selznick, Thomas H. Ince and B. P. Schulberg.

see also