
22 unusual facts about William Hatch

Codex Augiensis

W. H. P. Hatch, On the Relationship of Codex Augiensis and Codex Boernerianus of the Pauline Epistles, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol.

Codex Cyprius

According to William Hatch, palaeographer, the letters Β, Δ, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ξ, Π, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, and Ω have forms which are characteristic for the late 10th or the early 11th century.

Codex Freerianus

W. H. P. Hatch, The Principal Uncial Manuscripts Of The New Testament, 1939, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Codex Nanianus

W. H. P. Hatch, The Principal Uncial Manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge 1939), p.

Codex Zacynthius

William Hatch in 1937, on the basis of palaeographical data, suggested that the codex should be dated to the 6th century.

Lectionary 183

William Hatch, The Principal Uncial Manuscripts of the New Testament (Chicago, 1939), LXXIV.

Lectionary 2

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXXIII (Cambridge, 1951).

Lectionary 3

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXXII (Cambridge, 1951).

Minuscule 444

William H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and Descriptions of Minuscule Manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, MASS.: Harvard University Press, 1951), pl. lxxxviii.

Minuscule 555

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, Mass., 1951), XCVIII

Minuscule 561

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, Mass., 1951), LXXI

Minuscule 562

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, Mass., 1951), C

Minuscule 580

W. H. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, 1951), L.

Minuscule 602

W. H. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament (Cambridge, 1951), XXI.

Minuscule 690

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXXX (Cambridge, 1951).

Minuscule 693

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXXIX (Cambridge, 1951).

Minuscule 695

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXX (Cambridge, 1951).

Minuscule 696

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXI (Cambridge, 1951).

Minuscule 698

W. H. P. Hatch, Facsimiles and descriptions of minuscule manuscripts of the New Testament, LXXXI (Cambridge, 1951).

Papyrus 49

The text of the codex was published by William Hatch and Bradford Welles in 1958 (editio princeps).

Uncial 0220

William H. P. Hatch, A Recently Discovered Fragment of the Epistle to the Romans, HTR 45 (1952), pp. 81-85.

Uncial 062

W. H. P. Hatch, An Uncial Fragment of the Gospels, HTR 23 (1930), pp. 149-152.