
2 unusual facts about William Henry Hudson

Morley Roberts

Of his novels, Rachel Marr (1903) was highly praised by William Henry Hudson, and The Private Life of Henry Maitland (1912), based on the life of George Gissing the novelist, was possibly his best known book.

New Amazonia

W. H. Hudson's second novel, A Crystal Age (1887), published two years earlier than Corbett's book, also contains the plot element of a nineteenth-century man who cannot adapt to a matriarchal society of the future.

White Princess of the Jungle

Historically, Taanda is predated in literature by Sheena, (a distaff Tarzan who inspired a number of comic book jungle girls), jungle lovely Rulah, and by Rima, the heroine of William Henry Hudson's novel Green Mansions (1904).

see also