
6 unusual facts about William Stanley

AC power

Major delineations of the concept are attributed to Stanley's Phenomena of Retardation in the Induction Coil (1888) and Steinmetz's Theoretical Elements of Engineering (1915).

Alternating current

William Stanley, Jr. designed one of the first practical devices to transfer AC power efficiently between isolated circuits.

Electric power system

One of Westinghouse's engineers, William Stanley, recognised the problem with connecting transformers in series as opposed to parallel and also realised that making the iron core of a transformer a fully enclosed loop would improve the voltage regulation of the secondary winding.

Lucien Gaulard

In 1885, William Stanley, Jr. built the first practical transformer based on Gaulard and Gibbs's idea, the precursor of the modern transformer.

Roscoe Reynolds

After redistricting changed the composition of the 20th Senate district, Reynolds was challenged by William Stanley, the incumbent from the 19th district.

William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby

In 1582 he travelled to the continent to study in university towns in France, also possibly attending Henry of Navarre's academy at Nérac.

see also

J. Delano Ellis

The Bishops Praaxky held episcopal office in the Slaavic Orthodox Church, and Bishop Gaines's succession derives from Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches, as well as via Ulric Vernon Herford (Mar Jacobus)(consecrated 1902), William Stanley McBean Knight (Mar Paulos)(consecrated 1925), Hugh George de Willmott Newman (Mar Georgius) (consecrated 1931), Charles D. Boltwood (consecrated 1952), and John Marion Stanley (Mar Yokohannan) (consecrated 1959).

Leanna Brown

After graduating from Smith College in 1956, she married William Stanley Brown, who had attended the Mount Hermon School and Yale University and would go on to be a scientist at Bell Labs.


The lordship was granted to Sir William Stanley in 1489, however the lordship once again reverted to the crown when Stanley was executed in 1495 as a supporter of Perkin Warbeck.