
2 unusual facts about William Tyndale

Novum Instrumentum omne

This edition was used by William Tyndale for the first English New Testament (1526), by Robert Estienne as a base for his editions of the Greek New Testament from 1546 and 1549, and by the translators of Geneva Bible and King James Version.

Tyndale Monument

It was built in honour of William Tyndale, a translator of the New Testament, who is believed to have been born at North Nibley.

Jacobus Latomus

While in prison for charges relating to his translation of the Bible into English, William Tyndale was questioned by Latomus, whose task was to determine that Tyndale's views were heretical and that he would not abandon them.

The Lord's Recovery

Others considered as part of the Lord’s recovery are Johann Arndt, Theodore Austin-Sparks, Margaret E. Barber, Bernard of Clairvaux, Jacob Boehme, Peter Böhler, John Bunyan, Brother Lawrence (Nicholas Herman), Jan Hus, George Henry Lang, William Law, Dwight Lyman Moody, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, William Tyndale, John Wycliffe, Aiden Wilson Tozer,and many others.

see also