
unusual facts about Wonder Girl


The cover of the DC comic Solo #7 featured a drawing of Wonder Girl in mid-Batusi.

Children of Ares

They were later defeated by the combined efforts of Wonder Woman, Batman, Robin, Troia, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, Artemis, and the Huntress.

Eileen Chesis

It was rumored she was selected to take the place of Debra Winger in portraying Wonder Girl (aka Drusilla, the younger sister of Wonder Woman),

Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day

The battle leaves Robin, Nightwing, and Wonder Girl questioning their team's and their own personal effectiveness.

see also

Eileen Chesis

in the 1976 and 1977 seasons of the Wonder Woman television series (and, possibly, in a Wonder Girl spinoff) after Debra left the show in 1975 — however, no such role or show materialized, and this rumor cannot be verified.