
4 unusual facts about Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation

Fabio Rugge

He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Technical University of Berlin (1986), Jemolo Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford (1996) and a Woodrow Wilson Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2012).

Perry M. Ratliff

Upon completion of his study as a Woodrow Wilson Fellow he reported for active duty to Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island.

Robert Grant Irving

He has held research grants in India, Africa, Britain, and the United States, including a Fulbright Scholarship and Fellowships from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, American Institute of Indian Studies, American Council of Learned Societies, Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.

Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship

The Pickering Fellowship program is funded by the U.S. Department of State, and is administered by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation.

see also