
5 unusual facts about Yaqui people

Alma Luz Villanueva

Her maternal grandmother, a Yaqui Indian curandera/healer (as was her mother) from Sonora, raised her in the Mission District of San Francisco.

Bácum Municipality

The indigenous community is very large, with more than 9,000 residents identified as Yaqui in the 2000 census.

Naco, Sonora

Ojeda fought against the rebels from his Naco base for a number of days before the Yaquis decided to cross the border into the U.S. and surrender.

Nogales Municipality, Sonora

It seems that the tank had been bought in 1927 for fighting the Yaquis, but U.S. officials prohibited it from leaving the U.S., and it had been kept in a warehouse in Nogales, Arizona.

Pamela Uschuk

She has also taught at Greenhaven Maximum Security Prison for Men in upstate New York and in Native American schools on the Salish, Sioux, Assiniboine, Northern Cheyenne, Flathead, Blackfeet, Crow, Tohono O'odham and Yaqui nations.


The town of Bácum is one of the eight historical Spanish mission towns of the Yaqui Indians, founded in 1617 by the Jesuit missionaries Andrés Pérez de Ribas and Tomás Basilio.


Still other Chichimec peoples maintain separate identities into the present day, for example the Otomi, Chichimeca Jonaz, Cora, Huichol, Pame, Yaqui, Mayo, O'odham and the Tepehuan peoples.

Clint Walker

Jonas and Walker subsequently spent two years collaborating on a story idea suggested by Walker involving gold and the Yaqui, a partnership that led to the publication of the 2003 Western novel Yaqui Gold (ISBN 978-1-891423-08-6).

La Maravilla

The novel centers on a young boy named Beto, who has been left by his mother to be raised by his Spanish grandmother Josephina and Yaqui grandfather Manuel, both of whom carry on the spiritual traditions of their cultural heritages, Manuel as a shaman and Josephina as a curandera.

Usos y costumbres

In Mexico, usos y costumbres practices are widely used by indigenous communities and are officially recognized in the following Mexican states: Oaxaca (for 412 of 570 municipalities), Sonora (for the Yaqui reservation), and Chiapas.

see also