
unusual facts about Z Magazine

Chris Kutalik

His writing has also appeared in the print and online versions of the Detroit News, Metro Times, Z Magazine, CounterPunch, Monthly Review, Against the Current, Canadian Dimension, and in numerous union publications.

Clarence Lusane

He is a national columnist for the Black Voices syndicated news network, and his writings have appeared in The Black Scholar, Race and Class, Washington Post, Oakland Tribune, Covert Action Information Bulletin, Z Magazine, Radical History Journal and many other publications.

Salim Muwakkil

Other publications in which Muwakkil's work has appeared include The Washington Post, ″The New York Times Book Review″, The Chicago Reader, The Progressive, Newsday, Cineaste, The Baltimore Sun, Z Magazine, Toronto Star, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Utne Reader.

Sidewalk Bubblegum

During its nine-year run, Sidewalk Bubblegum has been published in hundreds of magazines, books, and zines including Z Magazine, Playboy Magazine, Funny Times, Comic Relief, Creative Loafing, Factsheet 5, Metro Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Sentinel and the Hufvudstadsbladet, Finland’s largest Swedish-language daily newspaper.

see also