Zero population growth, a condition of demographic balance where population remains constant over time
population | International Institute for Population Sciences | Epidermal growth factor receptor | United Nations Population Fund | The Limits to Growth | population genetics | Population exchange between Greece and Turkey | growth | Economic growth | Sixth National Population Census of the People's Republic of China | Population transfer in the Soviet Union | population growth | Population: 1 | Insulin-like growth factor 1 | growth hormone | Exponential growth | epidermal growth factor receptor | economic growth | Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration | An Essay on the Principle of Population | African Growth and Opportunity Act | Vascular endothelial growth factor A | United Nations Population Fund Goodwill Ambassador | Unique Population Registry Code | Swedish-speaking population of Finland | Population growth | growth rate | Growth hormone | General Growth Properties | First Growth |
The organization was founded as Zero Population Growth in 1968 by Paul R. Ehrlich, Richard Bowers, and Charles Remington, in the wake of the impact from Ehrlich's best-selling book, The Population Bomb.