
2 unusual facts about additional member system|

Additional Member System

For instance in the Italian general election, 2001, one of the two main coalitions (the House of Freedoms, which opposed the MMP system), linked many of their constituency candidates to a decoy list (liste civetta) in the proportional parts, under the name Abolizione Scorporo.

In the case of Forza Italia (part of the House of Freedoms), the tactic was so successful that it did not have enough candidates in the proportional part to receive as many seats as it in fact won, missing out on 12 seats.

David Mundell

Mundell was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 1999 and 2003 as a "list" MSP for the South of Scotland, and contested the Scottish parliamentary constituency of Dumfries in 1999 and 2003.

Electoral reform in New Zealand

Mixed Member Proportional (MMP); also known as the Additional Member System used in Germany, Scotland, and Wales (although only in Germany at the time); in which roughly half of the seats are elected by FPP; and the remainder are filled from party lists to top-up the local seats so as to ensure a proportional overall result;

see also