
unusual facts about alpine garden

Botanischer Erlebnisgarten Altenburg

Today the garden contains about 3,000 plants, including about 150 taxa of Erica, a further 150 taxa of roses, an alpine garden, summer flowers, and greenhouse (150 m²).

Botanischer Garten der Stadt Hof

The garden is divided into two major areas: a geometrical Rosarium, and a landscaped garden with alpine garden, Jura Mountains collection, lily pond, shade area, medicinal herb garden, heathers, succulents, and expansive perennials plantings.

Neuer Botanischer Garten der Universität Göttingen

The garden contains special collections of Centaurea and related genera, native flora of Central Europe, holarctic forest vegetation, endangered wild plants, and rare weeds, as well as an alpine garden (5000 m²), wild rose collection, and pond (400 m²) with aquatic and swamp plants.

see also