
unusual facts about altered state of consciousness

David Rapaport

As director of research at the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas and later at the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, he exerted a major influence on a generation of psychologists and analysts, notably Merton Gill, Roy Schafer, Georg S. Klein, Robert R. Holt, in their exploration of such diverse topics as diagnostic testing, cognitive style, subliminal perception, altered states, and ego autonomy.

see also

Nicholas Spanos

Spanos argued against Hilgard’s (and others') belief that hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness or a "special" or dissociated state of consciousness.


The Dr. John Dee of the Mind research institute, founded by the parapsychologist Raymond Moody, utilizes crystallomancy to allow people to experience an altered state of consciousness with the intention of invoking apparitions of the dead.