
unusual facts about amicus brief

Michael L. Perlin

He filed an amicus brief in Ake v. Oklahoma (1985) in which the Supreme Court ruled that a person who is indigent had a right to a psychiatric evaluation provided by the state where the insanity defense is being used.

Patrick Borchers

In a Rhode Island case, Borchers's work was cited in an amicus brief filed by groups opposing the state's recognition of a same-sex marriage contracted in Massachusetts.

Richard W. Bailey

In 2008, Bailey co-authored an amicus brief with colleagues Dennis Baron and Jeffrey Kaplan, for the District of Columbia v. Heller Supreme Court case, providing an interpretation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution based on the grammars, dictionaries, and general usage common in the founders' day, and showing that those meanings are still common today.

see also

Hilbert Philip Zarky

Zarky co-authored an amicus brief in Furman v. Georgia, in which the Supreme Court (temporarily) struck down the death penalty.

Matthew Noel Murray

In addition, a federal lawsuit, NASD arbitration, and an amicus brief in a case before the New York Court of Appeals all focused on this case which some related issues highlighted by the Wall Street Global Settlement.