
unusual facts about application program

Dynamic loading

IBM's strategic transaction processing system, CICS (1970s onwards) uses dynamic loading extensively both for its kernel and for normal application program loading.

Transmission Control Protocol

That is, when an application program desires to send a large chunk of data across the Internet using IP, instead of breaking the data into IP-sized pieces and issuing a series of IP requests, the software can issue a single request to TCP and let TCP handle the IP details.

see also

Hardware Platform Interface

Because a wide variety of alarm display hardware, such as LEDs, audible alerts, text display panels, etc. are used on different hardware platforms, it is difficult for an application program to be written to display alarm information in a platform-independent way.

Memory mapping

Virtual memory, technique which gives an application program the impression that it has contiguous working memory, while in fact it is physically fragmented and may even overflow on to disk storage