algorithm | RSA (algorithm) | Secure Hash Algorithm | Schönhage–Strassen algorithm | Luhn algorithm | Earley's Algorithm | Dijkstra's algorithm | CYK algorithm | Viterbi algorithm | Prim's algorithm | Orders of approximation | Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm | Kosaraju's algorithm | Yarrow algorithm | Stirling's approximation | sorting algorithm | Root-finding algorithm | Polynomial-time approximation scheme | Kruskal's algorithm | Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction | Digital Signature Algorithm | Cayley–Purser algorithm | Born approximation | Blahut–Arimoto algorithm | Bellman–Ford algorithm | Algorithm | Wien approximation | Verhoeff algorithm | Vatti clipping algorithm | Sorting algorithm |
he studied a weighted version of the set cover problem, and proved that a greedy algorithm provides good approximations to the optimal solution, generalizing previous unweighted results by David S. Johnson (J. Comp. Sys. Sci. 1974) and László Lovász (Discrete Math. 1975).