
unusual facts about assassination of William McKinley

Jay Fox

These events were lost in the wake of McKinley's assassination and the hatred that was aimed at anarchists and the Home colonists.

Mount Marcy

Vice President (and former governor) Theodore Roosevelt was at his hunting camp, Tauhaus, on September 14, 1901, after summiting Marcy, when he was informed that President William McKinley, who had been shot a week earlier, had taken a serious turn for the worse.

The Martyred Presidents

Evocative of early magic lantern and Phantasmagoria shows, The Martyred Presidents is part of a cycle of films made by the Edison Studios to chronicle the McKinley assassination in Buffalo, New York at the 1901 Pan-American Exposition.

This Is My Affair

However, McKinley is shot before getting Joe's letter.

Yellow journalism

He later ran for mayor and governor and even sought the presidential nomination, but lost much of his personal prestige when outrage exploded in 1901 after columnist Ambrose Bierce and editor Arthur Brisbane published separate columns months apart that suggested the assassination of William McKinley.

see also