
unusual facts about best practice

Certified Public Manager

The Certified Public Managerâ‚¢ (CPM) is a United States professional designation established in 1979 for the purpose of improving performance and advancing best practice standards for public sector managers.

James C. Garland

To achieve this status, he developed a strategy to raise intellectual quality and apply quantitative benchmarking and best practice, and led Miami in a significant capital improvement and construction program.

see also

Findhorn Foundation

Findhorn Ecovillage has been awarded UN Habitat Best Practice designation from the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), and regularly holds seminars of 'CIFAL Findhorn', a United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), affiliated training centre for Northern Europe.

Goodman Center

Andy Goodman authored Storytelling as Best Practice, Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes, and Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes.

Live coding

Live coding is also an increasingly popular technique in programming-related lectures and conference presentations, and has been described as a "best practice" for computer science lectures by Mark Guzdial.

Live electronic music

Live coding is also an increasingly popular technique in programming-related lectures and conference presentations, and has been described as a "best practice" for computer science lectures by Mark Guzdial (2011).

Ong Teck Chin

The school received many other awards, such as the School Excellence Award (an award for academic excellence), the School Distinction Award, the Best Practice Awards and many awards at the Odyssey of the Mind (OM) World Finals.

Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

;2005: In January, RNAO with partner, University of Ottawa, School of Nursing launch the Nursing Best Practice Research Unit (NBPRU).


According to Steve McConnell, timeboxing is a "Best Practice" for RAD and a typical timebox length should be 60–120 days.