
unusual facts about blackwater river

Battle of Smithfield

Then, Confederate forces rallied from their nearby winter quarters on the Blackwater River and rushed to repel the invasion.

Battle of Affane

Ormonde mobilised his men to intercept the Geraldines at Affane, a ford over the Finisk tributary of the Blackwater River, in the foothills of the Knockmealdown Mountains near Lismore.

History of Pensacola, Florida

The Mexican savant also wrote detailed descriptions of waterways in the area and described abundant trees on Blackwater River and East River as "lofty and stout, suitable for building ships of any draft".

Myakka River State Park

Blackwater rivers support southern coastal plain blackwater river floodplain forests of baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) along their banks.

Silvertip tetra

Given the origins of the silvertip tetra, namely blackwater rivers whose chemistry is characterised by an acidic pH, low mineral content and the presence of humic acids, the species is adaptable to a wide range of conditions in captivity, though deviation from the soft, acidic water chemistry of their native range will impact severely upon breeding and fecundity.

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