
8 unusual facts about book of Revelation

A ribbon of poems

After he was notified Couperus wrote to Veen: If you like my poetry that much what would you say if we publish another book with verses; he wanted to include the poems called Fragment (renamed to Melancholy) Viviane, Williswinde, Ginevra, Semiramis and Fragments from the Apocapyps of John the Apostle.

Jesus: Kyōfu no Bio Monster

The ship is shaped like a double-edged sword a la Book of Revelation.


According to Venguda Del Antichrist, a Messiah would soon come who would lead a new Crusade to the Holy Land, annihilate the Muslims, and do battle with the Antichrist as predicted in the Book of Revelation.

Paschal candle

--red on purp., see history --> signify that God is the beginning and the end (from the Book of Revelation)

Ralph Flores

Soon after Klaben had supposedly finished the last page of the Book of Revelation, a passing pilot, a Mr. Hamilton, finally noticed the giant SOS that Flores had stamped into the snow of a nearby clearing.

Riders in the Chariot

Other symbolism includes the mysteries of the Book of Revelation, with its Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the Seven Seals, along with biblical warnings about blood, fire, and destruction.

Saviour Machine

Most of the lyrical content of the Legend series is based on the Book of Revelation and other Biblical prophecy.


The content of Williswinde was: Voorrede (Preface), Weemoed (Melancholy), Viviane, Williswinde, Ginevra, Semiramis, Fragmenten uit Johannes' Apocalyps (Fragments from the Book of Revelation of John) and Verantwoording (Accountability).

Crystal Blue Persuasion

However, according to James's manager, James was actually inspired by his readings of the Book of Ezekiel, which (he remembered as) speaking of a blue Shekhinah light that represented the presence of the Almighty God, and of the Book of Isaiah and Book of Revelation, which tell of a future age of brotherhood of mankind, living in peace and harmony.

Dean Ireland's Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture

His academic works include consideration of biblical interpretation in liberation theology in Latin America, the biblical interpretation of William Blake, and the Book of Revelation.

Denizli Province

The province has strong biblical connections: in the Book of Revelation, John the Evangelist hears a loud voice which sounded like a trumpet when he was on the island of Patmos.

Divine Incantations Scripture

These characteristics draw interesting parallels with the cosmic and celestial warfare depicted in the Book of Revelation from the Christian New Testament canon.


To obviate the manifest inconveniences arising from this condition of the text, Ammonius of Alexandria, in the third century, conceived the idea of dividing the Four Gospels into sections, varying in size according to the substance of the narrative embodied in them, and Euthalius, following up the same idea, extended a similar system of division to the other books of the New Testament with the exception of the Book of Revelation.

Fifth Empire

The Fifth Empire (Portuguese: Quinto Império) is a concept of a global Portuguese empire with spiritual and temporal power, set to take its place in a new era and based in the prophecy of the second chapter of the Book of Daniel and in the Book of Revelation, whose origins lay with António Vieira.

Irvin Baxter, Jr.

According to his website, Mr. Baxter became intensely interested in Bible prophecy at the age of 20, when a visiting evangelist taught that the four beasts of the book of Revelation, chapter four, were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Johann Peter Lange

In 1857 he undertook with other scholars a Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk, to which he contributed commentaries on the first four books of the Pentateuch, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Revelation.

Mark 9

This could be a prediction that came true if you take into account John's Revelation of the Second Coming while he was on the island of Patmos.

Mouth of Sauron

The character matches the description of the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation, speaking arrogant words and blasphemies, and is reminiscent of Saint Paul's comments in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians where he describes his public humiliation by the enemy.

Philip Edgecumbe Hughes

His Greek was excellent, and three of his chief books are commentaries on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Mozilla

However, apparent quotations hidden in Netscape and Mozilla give this impression by revealing passages in the style of apocalyptic literature, such as the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

The Year of the Quiet Sun

The parallels were made explicit through Biblical motifs that appear throughout the novel, with characters paralleling types out of the Dead Sea scrolls and such apocalyptic imagery as a radioactive Lake Michigan substituting for the lake of fire in the Book of Revelation.

Uwe Topper

Topper has also written about the Book of Revelation (Das letzte Buch, 1993), about Reincarnation believings from a historical and ethnological perspective (Wiedergeburt, 1988), Sufism in North Africa (Sufis und Heilige im Maghreb, 1984/1991) and similar subjects.

see also

Minuscule 91

The commentary on the Acts and Epistles is that of the pseudo-Oecumenius; that on the Book of Revelation is that of Arethas of Caesarea.

New Babylon

Whore of Babylon or "Babylon the great", a Christian allegorical figure of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible

New Jerusalem

John of Patmos describes the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, and so the New Jerusalem holds an important place in Christian eschatology and Christian mysticism, and has also influenced Christian philosophy and Christian theology.

War in Heaven

James R. Davila speaks of Song 5 of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice as describing "an eschatological war in heaven similar to that found in 11Q13 and to traditions about the archangel Michael in the War Rule and the book of Revelation".