
unusual facts about business information

Business architecture

Business Architecture articulates the functional structure of a enterprise in terms of its business services and business information.

see also

Calling card

Business card, a small card with business information that is given for convenience and as a memory aid

Farmers Guardian

It provides comprehensive and topical news with Livestock, Arable and Machinery sections; as well as business information and latest market prices.

International University of Management

The university offers Bachelor and Master programs in Strategic Management Information Technology, Human resources, Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality, Business Information Systems, Business Administration, Finance Management, HIV/Aids Management and other subjects.

Jane Addams Business Careers Center

Part of the Cisco Networking Academy the Network and Programing course at J.A.B.C.C. begins with Business Information Technology and Web Design, one year foundations course for this program.

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command

SPAWAR provides systems engineering and technical support for the development and maintenance of C4ISR (command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance), business information technology and space capabilities.

Superbase database

The types of applications run the gamut from accounting systems, ERP/MRP packages, business information systems, production control systems, and similar complex products down to very basic membership list or contact management systems.

Trade secrets in Canada

According to the Civil Code of Quebec, an action for breach of trade secrets or confidential business information generally arises either from a contractual liability action (article 1458) or, in the absence of a contract, from a civil liability action (article 1457).