
unusual facts about can opener

Can opener

They were also known as a "John Wayne" because the actor was shown in a training film opening a can of K-rations.

Home shopping

The home shopping/electronic retailing industry was created in 1977, when small market talk radio show host Bob Circosta was asked to sell avocado-green-colored can openers live on the air by station owner Bud Paxson, when an advertiser traded 112 units of product instead of paying his advertising bill.

Meal, Combat, Individual ration

This was done by making a series of diagonal cuts around the top and bottom edges of the can with a P-38 can opener or a standard can opener to allow the trioxane fuel tablet to burn evenly and warm the entrée.

see also

P-38 can opener

However, the P-51 can opener, while larger and easier to use than the P-38 can opener, also has a fighter plane namesake in the North American P-51 Mustang.

Patricia Schroeder

During the 1995 budget debates, after Democrats claimed that Social Security payments would leave seniors with no choice but to eat dog food, Rush Limbaugh humorously claimed that he was going to get his mother a can opener.

Suburban Tribe

Caesar hacks into the American military's database and steals an intelligent can opener, but is caught and The Pentagon recognizes him as the result of an experiment they did many years ago.