
unusual facts about canons regular

Abbey of St. Victor, Paris

Many houses of canons regular came under its influence and were reformed through its leadership, including the Abbey of Ste Geneviève (Paris), Wigmore Abbey in Wales, St. Augustine's (Bristol), St. Catherine's (Waterford), St. Thomas's (Dublin), and San Pietro ad Aram (Naples).


The village of Wittenburg is the site of a former Augustininan canons regular monastery, established in the 14th century in the place of a former castle, maybe erected by members of the Billung dynasty as early as 805.

Franz Töpsl

In 1729 he entered the Polling Abbey of Augustinian Canons Regular near Weilheim in Oberbayern.

Free Judges

However, the King broke his promise only two years lated, when his friend Arnošt of Pardubice, who was Archbishop of Prague donated the two villages of Starków and Szalejów Dolny, which belonged to him and his two brothers, to the Canons Regular of Glatz.

Lawrence Beyerlinck

While a theological student he taught poetry and rhetoric at the college of Vaulx and as pastor of Herent was professor of philosophy at a nearby seminary of canons regular.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Sigüenza-Guadalajara

The first bishop of Sigüenza, after it had been repeopled, was Bernardo, a native of Agen in France, who had been "capisol" (caput schola, Latin for school head(master)) of Toledo; he rebuilt the church and consecrated it on the Feast of St. Stephen, 1123, and placed in it a chapter of canons regular; he died Bishop-elect of Santiago.


Springiersbach Abbey is a former Augustinian (Canons Regular) monastery, and currently a Carmelite monastery in Bengel municipality, in the Eifel region of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.

Walter Bower

Abbot Walter Bower, C.R.S.A., (or Bowmaker) (ca. 1385 – 24 December 1449) was a Scottish canon regular of Inchcolm Abbey in the Firth of Forth, who is noted as a chronicler of his era.

William de Corbeil

The archbishop had planned to install canons regular into the church, and on William's deathbed dispatched a party of canons from Merton Priory to take over St Martin's.

see also

Achard of St. Victor

In 1157 the cathedral chapter of Séez, composed of canons regular, elected Achard as their bishop, and the choice was duly confirmed by Pope Adrian IV.

Andreas of Ratisbon

He was ordained priest at Eichstätt in 1405, and joined the Canons Regular of St. Augustine at Ratisbon in 1410, where he devoted himself to historical studies.

Minuscule 10

According to the subscription it was given in 1439 to the Library of Canons Regular at Verona by Dorotheus Archbishop of Mitylene, when he came to the Council of Florence in 1438.


Having heard that at Vienna Blessed Peter de Honestis some years before had established a very fervent community of canons regular, to whom he had given special statutes which had been approved by Paschal II, Ubald went there, remaining with his brother canons for three months, to learn the details and the practice of their rules, wishing to introduce them among his own canons of Gubbio.

William of Æbelholt

In 1161 Absalon, bishop of Roskilde (and later archbishop of Lund) in Denmark, sent to Paris the provost of his cathedral (almost surely the Danish historian Saxo Grammaticus) to obtain canons regular for the reform of the canonry of St. Thomas at Eskilsø.