
unusual facts about cellular automata


Hashlife is a memoized algorithm for computing the long-term fate of a given starting configuration in Conway's Game of Life and related cellular automata, much more quickly than would be possible using alternative algorithms that simulate each time step of each cell of the automaton.

Leon O. Chua

IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Vitold Belevitch Award (2007), For seminal contributions to nonlinear circuit theory, the first mathematically proven physical implementation of Chaos (Chua circuit), the local activity principle as the root of complexity, the cellular neural/nonlinear network principle and basic theory, and the qualitative theory of complexity in 1D cellular automata.

M. A. Foster

The "game" from the title of The Gameplayers of Zan is based on cellular automata, a more intricate version of Conway's Game of Life.

Paterson's worms

Paterson's worms are a family of cellular automata devised in 1971 by Mike Paterson and John Horton Conway to model the behaviour and feeding patterns of certain prehistoric worms.

Von Neumann cellular automaton

Von Neumann cellular automata are the original expression of cellular automata, the development of which were prompted by suggestions made to John von Neumann by his close friend and fellow mathematician Stanislaw Ulam.

see also

Cellular automaton

Patterns of some seashells, like the ones in Conus and Cymbiola genus, are generated by natural cellular automata.

Ducci sequence

The linear map in modulo 2 can further be identified as the cellular automata denoted as rule 102 in Wolfram code and related to rule 90 through the Martin-Odlyzko-Wolfram map.


Firing squad synchronization problem, a problem in computer science and cellular automata

Quantum dot cellular automaton

A different wire-crossing technique, which makes fabrication of QCA devices more practical, was presented by Christopher Graunke, David Wheeler, Douglas Tougaw, and Jeffrey D. Will, in their paper “Implementation of a crossbar network using quantum-dot cellular automata”.