
unusual facts about château de Versailles

Antoine-François Callet

Under the French Consulate and the First French Empire he painted several more allegories, including an Allégorie du dix-huit brumaire ou la France sauvée (Allegory of 18 Brumaire, or France saved - 1801, château de Versailles) and an Allégorie de la bataille d'Austerlitz (Allegory of the Battle of Austerlitz - 1806, château de Versailles).

Eglinton Castle

Lady Susanna Montgomerie, wife of the 9th Earl of Eglinton, was a renowned society beauty and her husband built for her at Kidsneuk a copy of the Hameau de la Reine 'cottage orné' that Marie Antoinette had famously possessed at Versailles.

Louis Moinet

Moinet's clocks are considered works of art as well as fine timepieces and are currently on display in such important Museums as the Louvre in Paris, the Château de Versailles, and the Palazzo Pitti in Florence.

see also