
unusual facts about chef de bataillon

Félix Debax

Promoted to chef de bataillon Debax was killed on 25 August 1914, fighting the German forces at Saint-Maurice-sous-les-Côtes during the first month of the First World War.

see also

Jean-Marie Dorsenne

With the Army of Italy at the crossing of the Tagliamento (16 March 1797), Dorsenne's heroic conduct was noticed by commander-in-chief, general Napoleon Bonaparte, who promoted him to the rank of chef de bataillon (battalion commander).

Pacification of Tonkin

These men included Lieutenant-Colonel Théophile Pennequin, who developed the famous 'oilstain' (tache d'huile) tactics that were eventually to prove so effective in stamping out the insurgency, Colonels Joseph Gallieni and Servière, and chef de bataillon Hubert Lyautey.