
unusual facts about child soldiers

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1996

It demanded that the Lord's Resistance Army end attacks against civilians in South Sudan, and for an end to the use of child soldiers.

see also

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Jimmie Briggs investigator and author of Innocents Lost: When Child Soldiers Go to War


In What is the What: The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng, by Dave Eggers, the protagonist makes frequent references to brown-brown, the process by which he and other child soldiers were forced to become addicted to it and other drugs, and how it eventually helped them "enjoy," but really cope with the horrendous violence they perpetrated.

Rajae El Mouhandiz

2007 "Conversations With Ice" by Sahr Ngaujah – Over 't IJ 2007. The question of Value (Who decides Who buys), within the context of the global diamond trade, Sierra Leone’s child soldiers, and it's links to the Bling sub-culture in Hip-Hop.

Rally for Congolese Democracy–Goma

On 21 June 2002, child soldiers of the pro-government Mai Mai militia entered Pweto, and RDC officials hastily left.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1261

The preamble of the resolution noted recent efforts to bring to an end the use of child soldiers in violation of international law, including the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which prohibits forced conscription of children under the age of fifteen in armed forces or the participation in war crimes.